Aquatic Invasive Species Threaten the Health of Our Waters
The BMLA Water Watch Committee is ever mindful of the ongoing threat to our lakes from invasive plants and species.
Since 2020 we have mounted a vigilant campaign against the rise of Variable Leaf Milfoil in Utowana Lake, This has included yearly hand-harvesting and constant monitoring of the three lakes in the Eckford chain against its spread.
Yet, our lakes are facing considerable threats from numerous invasive aquatic plants and species that are are already spreading throughout the ADK region. The list below is representative of just some of the threats at our shores.
Invasive Aquatic Plants:
Curly-leaf pondweed
Eurasian watermilfoil
European frog-bit
Starry stonewart
Water Chestnut
Invasive Aquatic Species:
Spiny waterflea
Asian Clam
Chinese Mystery snail
Fishhook waterflea
Quagga Mussel
Round goby
Rusty crayfish
Zebra Mussel
Residents and friends of Blue Mountain Lake must continue to prevent the spread of these numerous invasive aquatic plants and species that threaten the long-term health and water quality of all three lakes in the Eckford chain. To do so, we must remain complete yearly surveys of our lakes in order to address every possible threat before us.
Of course, the best way to stop invasive plants and species from being a problem is to PREVENT them from entering our lakes. That requires all of us to do our part by ensuring that each and every boat launched on Blue Mountain Lake is clean, drained and dried so that they harbor no invasive aquatic hitchhikers - something that is now required by NYS law. You can do your part by talking to friends, visitors, neighbors about the importance of launching only CLEAN boats in Blue Mountain Lake.
Prevention is the only sure way to avoid the tremendous cost of having to manage new threats to the long-term quality and enjoyment of Blue Mountain Lake. It is imperative that each of us do our part.
If you would like more information, or are interested in supporting our efforts, please contact Michele Curry, Chair, Water Watch at: Water@BlueMountainLakeAssociation.org
Thank you!

Help us Keep Aquatic Invasive Plants and Species OUT of our Lakes by following these simple rules BEFORE launching a boat in Blue Mountain, Eagle or Utowana Lakes:
After boating, before you leave the launch:
Remove all visible plants, animals, fish, and mud from your boat, trailer, or other equipment and dispose of in a suitable trash container or on dry land. Don’t transport any potential hitchhiker, even back to your home. Remove and leave them at the site you visited.
After boating, before you leave the launch:
Drain water from bilge, live wells, ballast tanks, and any other locations with water before leaving the launch. Invasive viruses, zooplankton, and juvenile zebra mussels and Asian clams can be transported in even just a drop of water!
Before you launch to go boating:
Dry your boat, trailer, and all equipment completely. Drying times vary depending on the weather and the type of material. At least five days drying time is recommended.